Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity together with the national planners unanimously decided to postpone the exercise for early 2021.
Cyber Europe: preparing healthcare sector to respond to cyber crisis is the 6th Pan European exercise that the EU Agency for Cybersecurity had planned for June 2020.
The Cyber Europe 2020 planners developed a scenario revolving around healthcare, which can include, Ministries of Health, hospitals, clinics, labs and eHealth service providers with potential impacts in other sectors.
After request from the national planners (the national authorities in charge of coordinating Cyber Europe for each Member State) Cyber Europe 2020 will be postponed
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the healthcare sector is currently going through a major crisis that will test its resilience and therefore a simulated cyber crisis like Cyber Europe is currently not a priority.
For this reason the Agency together with the national planners unanimously decided to postpone the exercise for early 2021.
The situation will be further assessed in the next six months.
About Cyber Europe
Cyber Europe is a series of pan-European exercises aimed at testing cybersecurity, business continuity and crisis management capabilities. The exercise is organised by the Agency since 2010. The Cyber Europe exercises are simulations of large-scale cybersecurity incidents that escalate to become cyber crisis. The exercises take place once every two years. The scenario contains real life inspired technical incidents to analyse, from forensic and malware analysis, open source intelligence, and of course non-technical incidents.
More Information on Cyber Europe:
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- Any question on the Cyber Europe 2020 exercise, please contact: [email protected]
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